Brianna McKinney

Brianna McKinney served at the Send Relief ministry center in Denver, a city that is a lonely place and in need of many more missionaries. For example, Denver has only one evangelical church for every 32,000 people. While the city is beautiful and attracts many people, there is much ministry to be done as well. 

Brianna’s work also involved supporting a magnet school for refugee children. She led a team to help rebuild the school’s playground and coordinated a backpack drive to provide school supplies.

In addition, Brianna started a burrito wagon ministry at her church. She pulled a wagon full of burritos around and handed them out to the homeless. As she did this, she let the people she served know that Jesus loves them and so do many local churches. 

The Cooperative Program (CP) takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program allows missionaries like Brianna to meet physical and spiritual needs in Denver and beyond.

Pray that God will bring many more missionaries like Brianna to Denver to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.