Richard & Karen Lee

The Cooperative Program has allowed Richard and Karen Lee to show African Americans they have a place and role to play in the missionary task. When churches see missionaries who look like them, they feel represented.

African American Southern Baptists aren’t the only people who’ve been surprised to meet them. Tanzanian Christians celebrated their arrival. 

“I have lived here for 40 years, and no one like you has ever lived in this mission house,” a neighbor said.

“Where are our other brothers and sisters? You’re the first ones that we’ve seen that looked like us,” Tanzanian Christians asked the couple.

African American missionaries have tremendous opportunities to make deep connections on the mission field. Through the Cooperative Program they have the opportunity to help churches to think about what those opportunities might look like.

The Cooperative Program takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program allows missionaries to fulfill the Great Commission call God has placed on their lives.

Pray that God will give the Lees abundant opportunities to share the gospel with their neighbors in Tanzania.