Wesley and Emily Smyth 

Wesley and Emily Smyth, International Mission Board missionaries, are raising their four children to understand that the Christian life is about glorifying God while serving others. 

The Smyths taught their kids this truth by example. Now associate area directors for Send Relief in West Africa, the couple has spent their entire ministry pouring into people in various parts of West Africa. 

During COVID-19, the Smyths hosted an international church in their home. Each Sunday, the kids helped run the church service where up to nine different nationalities gathered. 

Not only does this reinforce to the children the importance of serving God’s people, it also shows them the value of multiculturalism — another thing the Smyth children are learning at a young age from the willingness of their parents to sacrifice comfort to raise their family on the mission field. 

The Cooperative Program takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program allows missionaries to share the gospel in different cultures and contexts. 

Pray that the Smyth family’s sacrifice will continue to make an impact on the Sub Saharan African Peoples that they diligently serve.