Sarah Mitchell

When Sarah Mitchell first moved to Bangkok, Thailand, to serve as a Journeyman to the Deaf with the International Mission Board, it was the first time she’d lived anywhere besides the house where she grew up.

Mitchell was quickly immersed not only in Thailand’s culture, but also in Deaf culture. 

“It’s been amazing to see, despite challenges, how faithful God is every single day,” she said. “Meeting Deaf people in a city of 15 million is not easy. But the Lord has taken me, an ordinary person, and put me in the right places at the right times.”

On the way to a meeting with friends, she noticed a fruit vendor with a sign indicating she was Deaf. Mitchell began signing to her in Thai sign language. The woman, named Kamala, was excited to meet someone she could communicate with.

Mitchell learned that Kamala was a believer and had been praying for God to send her a Christian friend who could teach her the Bible. 

They’ve met several times, and each time Kamala comes ready to study the Word. Though their time is limited, she relishes the Bible stories Mitchell shares with her in Thai Sign Language.

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Pray that God would continue to speak to the Deaf and remind them that they are not alone in Christ.