Don & Pam Lynch

IMB missionaries Don and Pam Lynch live and serve in Belgium. The country ranks high on the number of suicides, people suffering from depression, and percentages of people who take antidepressants. 

“If you have no hope for the future, you don’t have anything to look forward to. Life is either a great adventure or a slow death,” Don said

Though the Flemish do not accept friendships easily and strongly guard privacy, Don and Pam know how important it is to try to connect with the people. They provide a listening ear by offering free coffee in parks and public places. They ride their “coffee bike,” complete with a generator and espresso machine. While they grind the coffee beans and prep the coffee, they engage in conversation.

“So, you’re just out here showing love to people,” one man asked. “That is so good in a world where that doesn’t happen.”

The Cooperative Program (CP) takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program helps missionaries plant churches and share Jesus in their communities.

Pray for God to open the hearts of the Flemish people to the good news of Jesus.