In 2023, the IMB launched a new initiative, Project 3000, to engage 3,072 unengaged and unreached people groups. Ray Henry Holiday is in the pioneering group of Project 3000 explorers. The Tennessean travels with a national partner to remote areas in South Asia for six weeks at a time to live among one of his 10 people groups.
He collects as much demographic information as he can and builds relationships. As a high school student, Holiday prayed from Isaiah 6:8: “Here I am, send me.” The verse was shared at an IMB conference when the Project 3000 initiative was presented. “It’s a hard job, and that is part of the reason why I felt called to it. I feel like I have the gifting and ability,” Holiday said. “There is a great need. There is no one going to these folks.”
The Cooperative Program (CP) takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program strengthens missionaries so that they can spread the Gospel around the world.
Pray the Lord will open the hearts of these unreached and unengaged people groups. Pray God will call more people to serve through Project 3000.