Brent & Emily Phillips

Brent’s journey to starting a new church in the community began with a church planting desire God began in his heart shortly after getting saved during high school. That desire stayed consistent through seminary and into his marriage. 

Brent and Emily wanted to start a church in a place that needed a Gospel-centered church. Having served as a summer missionary outside of Pittsburgh, Emily fell in love with the area. After much prayer, the couple decided to plant a church in New Kensington, near the Steel City.

Today, New Kensington is known for its high crime rate and economic struggles. The average church attendance is less than 30, and Reclamation New Kensington is the only Southern Baptist church in the area.

Brent, Emily, and their Reclamation team are engaging people with the good news about Jesus by hosting block parties, serving their neighbors and hosting a Celebrate Recovery group. 

The Cooperative Program (CP) takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. When we give through CP, our church is supporting ministries like Brent and Emily’s. 

Let’s pray that God would give the Phillips boldness in sharing the hope they have in Jesus Christ.