Author: mnwibaptist
Leo & Miosha Robinson
Several years ago, with the help of Send Network, the North American Mission Board’s church planting arm, Leo and Miosha Robinson started Good Church, a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural congregation in the same neighborhood where Leo’s father once pastored in Flint, Michigan. Leo and Miosha began by walking their neighborhood and asking people, “What do you need?”…
Dr. Leo Endel Retirement Celebration
Dr. Leo Endel will retire from the MWBC on June 30th. We will celebrate Leo’s 23 years of ministry in MN & WI at noon Saturday April 26th at the Rochester International Event Center. Everyone is invited. Tickets are $20 for lunch per person. Children under 10 years old eat for $5 each. Register by…
State Paper – March 2025
The March issue of the Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist newspaper is here! You can download the printable file below. Help us spread the word by forwarding this link to members of your church and others who may be interested in what God is doing in Minnesota and Wisconsin. If you are not yet subscribed to the paper,…
Osvaldo & Vanessa Lerma
Osvaldo and Vanessa Lerma are missionaries with Send Relief, the SBC’s compassion ministry arm, and they work with mission teams and local churches to meet needs and share Christ with refugees who are relocated in Laredo, Texas. Laredo has the largest inland port of entry from Mexico into the U.S. and serves as a significant…
Brent & Emily Phillips
Brent’s journey to starting a new church in the community began with a church planting desire God began in his heart shortly after getting saved during high school. That desire stayed consistent through seminary and into his marriage. Brent and Emily wanted to start a church in a place that needed a Gospel-centered church. Having…