Category: Cooperative Program

  • Brent & Emily Phillips

    Brent & Emily Phillips

    Brent’s journey to starting a new church in the community began with a church planting desire God began in his heart shortly after getting saved during high school. That desire stayed consistent through seminary and into his marriage.  Brent and Emily wanted to start a church in a place that needed a Gospel-centered church. Having…

  • Temi & Modesta Akinsanya

    Temi & Modesta Akinsanya

    God called Temi to start a church that reaches people from African backgrounds and emphasizes pastoral care, local exposition, and the uniqueness of the African culture.  Laurel, Maryland, is an urban/suburban area with a population of about 100,000. While the Akinsanya’s ministry at Restoration Church primarily focuses on reaching African nationals who have walked away…

  • Matthew Fisher

    Matthew Fisher

    IMB missionary Matthew Fisher firmly believes in the transformative power of trauma healing groups. His training from the Trauma Healing Institute has made these groups a cornerstone of his church-planting strategy in South America. It starts with a local believer who feels called to plant a church. In these free trauma healing groups, participants share…

  • David & Zoey Kim

    David & Zoey Kim

    Living outside the capital, Antananarivo, can be challenging. Travel is difficult between villages, education levels are low, and 75% of the population lives in poverty. Despite these challenges, most people are willing to hear the Gospel. “Madagascar is an open country. You can proclaim Christ anywhere,” Zoey explains. “We pray every day at 10:02 for…

  • Joshua Kim & Lisa Lee

    Joshua Kim & Lisa Lee

    Joshua leads The Follow Church, which he and his wife, Lisa, planted after feeling a deep burden for those who have left the church and those who do not believe in Jesus. Initially, started as a Korean church, The Follow Church is now reaching people of various backgrounds and consists of both new and existing…

  • Jay & Ella Janill

    Jay & Ella Janill

    While looking into a northern African valley filled with flickering village fires, IMB missionary Jay Janill shared with his national partner, Timothy, that each fire likely represented people who had never heard the gospel. They read Psalm 19, reflecting on how the heavens declare God’s glory, yet those gathered around the fires knew little of…