We see a day where every community, every people group, and every person in Minnesota and Wisconsin has the opportunity to meet Jesus where they are, respond to the gospel, be nurtured in a biblical fellowship, and personally follow Jesus and His Great Commission.
Every Community, Every Person
- Mobilize prayer for lostness and church planting
- Cultivate unreached and under-reached places and people groups
- Engage places and people with the gospel message and ministry
- Develop a plan for growing the next generation of leaders
- Encourage church planting activities
- Utilize effective communication
- Create and implement holistic and comprehensive associational/district/regional church planting strategies
Supporting church – a church that provides prayer, ministry activities and/or physical support to a new church plant, often short term or one time.
- Spiritual lostness is a major issue in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
- Church planting is an effective method of reaching people with the gospel message.
- Every church can and should be involved in church planting at some level.
- Prayer must be an integral part of church planting.
- Wisconsin and Minnesota can and should be impacted with the transforming message of Jesus Christ.